
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Midnight Library - Matt Haig [Mini Review]

The Midnight Library - Matt Haig [Mini Review]

I posted a poll a while ago asking how you’d rate a book that was written well but you wouldn’t recommend to someone (or maybe it was the other way round, I don’t remember now). Anyway, at the time I wasn’t thinking of a specific book, but having read The Midnight Library I now have a perfect example of that dilemma. Here is a book that is written well, with an interesting premise, and a personable protagonist. I liked reading it and I’ve seen nothing but love for this book, and yet despite all that I can’t see myself recommending it to anybody. I’m not really somebody who is triggered by suicide and death but it’s hardly a pleasant topic at the best of times – then imagine being bombarded by it in detail for ~300 pages.

(It is also a pretty predictable story, reading beyond about 25% in felt tiresome at times.)

The Humans - Matt Haig [Mini Review]

The Humans - Matt Haig [Mini Review]

Those People - Louise Candlish [Mini Review]

Those People - Louise Candlish [Mini Review]